Thursday, June 30, 2005

Eat Well, Stay Fit, Die Anyway...

Hello again my children!

Today we'll be discussing diet, fitness and exercise.

I keep seeing a lot on TV and the media about the dieting/fitness boom that seems to be sweeping the USA.

"If you eat non-carbonated sea grass you'll live longer!"

Look, I don't know exactly how to break this to you so I'm just going to come out and say it...everything you eat, drink or breathe is in someway contributing to your eventual and unavoidable demise. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

When I created the Earth and put Adam and Eve (those 2 leacherous apple stealers...and don't even get me started on their insepid children. especially Cain, "bad apple" indeed) in the Garden of Eden and noticed the "hobbies" they immediately developed (note to self, next time decrease the sex drive) it quickly became apparant to me that in a few hundred thousand years I was going to have quite the population problem on my omnipotent hands. See, my original plan called for mankind to live hundreds and hundreds of years...well, with the rapidly increasing human population I could see that plan would have to be altered.

So I "vamped" Death up a little and decided that the Grim Reaper was going to need some help in fulfilling his duties. After man was banished from the Garden of Eden (the miserable apple stealers) they found themselves now relying on something other then fruits and vegetables to eat. They had become meat eaters, mainly after I, in a fit of rage, had given the animals free reign to kill and maim any humans who wandered too far away from their camp. So mankind, in revenge on the animals for killing their brethren, started eating the animals in retaliation...which of course pissed the animals off even more and made them want to eat even more humans. Goodness, I really do work in mysterious ways!

So while the animals and man were fighting and killing each other, I knew that mankind would eventually come out on top and I felt bad about the rough time the animals were having. Not to mention I still had this population problem I had to deal with. It was then that I had an epiphany. After man had eaten enough of the animals, a component inside the animals bodies called "cholesterol" would clog up their arteries and cause a death that was several hundred years premature! Thereby giving the animals the ultimate victory since I've always kind of liked them best anyway.

So to make a long story short, because it is a VERY long story...(I won't even go into why I had to make "good" cholesterol), mankind was now playing right along with my grand design. Go me!

The only hiccup I've faced in the milennia since came in the form of a doctor named Atkins, but a well placed patch of ice handled that problem quite nicely.

In summation, everything you eat, drink, smoke, ingest or invibe in any way shape or form is slowly killing you. I even made sunlight dangerous...that's how far in advance I thought this whole thing through.

So, do yourself a favor. Eat a burger...add cheese, chili, onions and mayonaisse. It's not going to make that much of a difference.


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Doris said...

How long do you think you can get away with this blog? I can see I am just going to have to keep an eye on you!

At 5:20 PM, Blogger God said...

Random Personae
Well, the whole point is faith...but I'm perfectly aware that no one will believe this is actually really me so I can communicate freely.

I keep hoping humanity will "do the right thing" but so far no luck. Sure, I could appear in the sky and scare the pants off everyone and leave them no choice but to believe. But faith is too magnificent a thing to casually toss aside. Besides, Heaven only has so much room...I'd have to remodel if everyone was coming up.

I can do this forever. I'm God for pete's sake. Feel free to stop by you've recently discovered, I really am here.

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Cooper said...

Funny there are evidiently several gods in blog land as one commneted in my blog the other day and it wasn't you.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger God said...

hmmm...well I am the one, true God. Although I can't imagine why anyone would want to be's a tough gig.

At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What up "Big G" ! I love your Blog...I haven't had too much to smile about these past few years, but after having accidentally come upon your Blog the other day,( Or was it accidental :O) , I was "All a giggle!" Thanks! "Keep on keeping on!" I've noticed that there hasn't been too many comments posted...don't let that discourage soon as word gets around, your blog will be numero uno, (that means number one in spanish.....oops, my're GOD, I forgot :O)
So it is written, so it shall be done! Later Big G !
Bo Bo The Dancing Clown

At 10:24 PM, Blogger God said...

Thanks for the kind words Bo Bo. As for the lack of activity, I don't really let that bother me. I'm used to writing stuff down and having nobody pay it any attention. This is mainly for my own amusement more then anything else...peace be with you my child.


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