Made some changes to the "God Blog"!
I just noticed that the God Blog was starting to look a little thread bare so I've done a little "snazzying" up.
The first thing you'll notice is my "currently reading" list...I'll be updating this from time to time. I don't read a lot but once I start reading I'm apt to read 2 books a week. Now technically I don't have to "read" books at all, but it helps to relax me. Sometimes I'll just sit in the old comfy chair and read all day...usually on my day off, which we all know is Sunday.
Next up are my latest comic book purchases. Yes, I admit it. I read comics. They're wonderful...I look at them as printed soap operas. If you've ever though nothing could top the intrigue and storylines of Another World or General Hospital, then I'd suggest to you that you should read some old John Byrne/Chris Claremont X-Men about intrigue! A well-crafted comic is art, just like a well-crafted movie or song is art. Open up your confined little literary like Alan Moore and Warren Ellis are just as talented as any other writer working today.
After that you'll find my links. These are the places I frequent quite a bit. You'll notice NASCAR stuff on here...I am a HUGE NASCAR fan. Actually I like watching racing in general, but NASCAR is a passion. When you've got Sunday's off like I do, you need something entertaining to watch...NASCAR fits the bill nicely. I've also got some other sites I look in on from time to time. is a spectacular site that offers tons of information on my favorite comics of all time.
As my masthead promised, I have a lot of the same interests you all do...hopefully you'll find something here you'll be interested in. Maybe I can lead you into a new hobby or interest.
I mean, what's the point of creating all this diversity if you people never use it?
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