Friday, July 08, 2005

Greatest. Invention. Ever.

So I was sitting around the heavenly residence today, watching the Cosmos work according to my divine plan, when one of my Angels wandered into my office.

God : "Hey Zerial...what can I do for you today?"

Zerial : "Do you have time to answer a question Omnipotent One?"

God : "Are you kidding? I've got so much time it's not even funny...ask away."

Zerial : "Well, some of the fellas and I were telling a couple of the new arrivals about your wonderous nature and infinite wisdom, when we started talking about everything you've know on Earth.

God : "Go on."

Zerial : "Well, one of the new people asked what your favorite living thing was...I, of course, said Mankind."

God : "And..."

Zerial : " Well then, Azmodius said it was the Dolphin...then Oliander said it was the Lion...and I'm ashamed to admit this sir, but we ended up in a bit of a heated discussion about the subject."

God : "So, you came all the way up here to ask me what my favorite living thing is."

Zerial : "Yes sir...if I'm imposing I can always come back later."

God : "No, no. That won't be necessary...and besides it's a very easy question for me to answer. At first I was afraid you were going to ask me to explain something complicated, like the Electorial College, or the College Football National Rankings."

Zerial : "Well, now that you mention it..."

God : "Let's save those for later, you can go back and tell Azmodius, Oliander, Rafaelia and all the rest that my favorite living creature is the Dog."

Zerial : "The Dog."

God : "Yup...I love me some puppies.

Zerial : "'re telling me that the favorite living thing out of all you've created is...the Dog."

God : "You sound disappointed."

Zerial : "Oh no...not at all just wasn't what I was expecting, that's all."

God : "And what, exactly, we're you expecting?"

Zerial : "Well, like I said, I guessed Mankind...but I could see maybe the Giant Sequoia Trees, or maybe the Humpback Whale, or maybe even the Loch Ness Monster...but the Dog, it just seems kinda unexciting."

God : "What exactly is wrong with that?"

Zerial : "Nothing...I mean, you're so much smarter then I just wasn't what I was expecting is all."

God : "Well that it...Dogs rule Zerial...will there be anything else?"

Zerial : "No sir...thanks for your time sir."

God : "Anytime...and don't worry, I'm not mad that you've been falling asleep at your desk."

Zerial : "...oh, well...thank you again sir!"

I can't begin to tell you how much it disturbs me to think that there could be an "anti-Dog" bias among my Angels in Heaven.

I mean, how can you not love Dogs? They're fluffy, smart, loyal, protective...they truly are man's best friend. That's exactly how I wanted them to be. I knew that inevitably Man and Woman would have disagreements and Mankind would need someone who was always there for them. Always ready to share a lick or tail wag to make them feel better.

Dogs don't judge based on race. They don't care what your sexual preference is. They just like hanging around and making you feel good.

C'mon...look at those big can they not be my favorite?


At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kittens taste better than dogs.

At 11:13 PM, Blogger God said...

I know...I made it that way so people would be more prone to eat cats and skip eating dogs.

At 7:53 AM, Blogger london cokehead said...

Hey god , how's it hanging ..

How about some new tree's for West London mate ..

Some nice blue one's , yeah that should do it ...

And a nice new shrubberry for my garden ..

with daffodils and poppies and a gnome that sings Radiohead songs ..

Ta very much ..

At 2:45 PM, Blogger God said...

Holy crap! How did I do that? Are there 2 of me? Wow...I am the BOMB!

At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this paradox doesn't destroy the universe, then I think we're set for the rest of eternity.

At 9:04 AM, Blogger london cokehead said...

Excelent , now this is a fight worth the Pay per view fee ....

Only one way to settle this then ..

And i'm too meek and humble to know what it is ?

At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shortly after my birth, my father left my mom. She then married my stepfather, who spent the next seventeen years of my life, abusing me, ( I would be whipped with a belt or electrical extention cord for "little" things, (like breathing).
After every beating, I would go to my room or go outside...where my dogs would eventually come and lay beside me, lick my face and make me feel like I wasn't alone in the world.
To this day, I have a loyalty to my current dogs that is unsurpassed. There is no amount of money I would not spend if they were hurt.
Big "Shout out" to you "Old wise one"....for creating something so simple, yet so noble......
Bo-Bo The Clown


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