Saturday, July 09, 2005

I need my Lost fix.

It's been months...long, agonizing months.

What happened to Sawyer, Michael, and Jin?

Where were those Deliverence looking rejects taking Walt?

Is Charlie back on the smack?

What the hell is inside that hatch anyway?

I need answers people, and I need them now. Strangely enough, I find myself unable to peer into the mind of J.J. Abrams in order to figure out what the hell he's got planned. I hope it's due to my subconscious desire to not have the show ruined and not due to the fact that J.J. is totally flying by the seat of his pants.

I have full faith in Abrams for a couple of seasons of Lost. Up until this past season of Alias I was hooked on that show as well. I really dug the whole "Rambaldi" angle...I loved Arvin Sloane, he was such a great bad guy. He reminds me a lot of a younger, they both really know how to stick it to you.

But with the addition of Sydney's sister, Nadia, to the show I found my interest waning. It kind of caught me by surprise, and very few things can claim that distinction, but once Nadia was brought onto the show as a regular cast member, she just didn't work for me.

The first problem I had was that I totally didn't believe her as Sydney's sister. I mean, Jennifer Garner is smoking hot...regardless of her little Affleck episode...but Mia Maestro just didn't do it for me. I also hate Sloane as a good guy. That dude was born and bred for evil...and it's what he should be doing.

Besides that, after the stuff he's done to Syd (killing Danny, her fiance), Dixon (having Dixon's wife killed) and Jack (had an affair with Jack's wife Irina which produced Nadia), I totally cannot see these people voluntarily going back to work with Arvin Sloane.

Then you've got Vaughn (or whatever the hell is name is) and Weiss working with Sloane as well...those guys know as well as anyone how delightfully evil Arvin Sloane is but they still find themselves working with him...Weiss is even dating Sloane's daughter Nadia for pete's sake.

There's no way in hell any of these people would be working with Arvin Sloane unless they were waiting for a good opportunity to stick an icepick into his skull. Not to mention after spending years beating the Rambaldi concept into our brains, J.J. lets the entire recent season pass by with only cursory mentions of Milo Rambaldi or anything connected to him.

I hope J.J. noticed that the ratings were slipping on Alias and has taken steps to fix the problems...I also hope he's learned a valuable lesson that he can apply to Lost as well. People are digging what he's doing with all those poor castaways and while we expect him to build on what he's done in the past we don't like it when you spend 3 seasons in one direction and then suddenly switch around on us.

I need my Lost fix people...I know the next season will be good and I'm ready for it to start.

Maybe, if I'm lucky, Alias will kick ass again too. Alias and Lost...two kickass shows...ABC better not screw them up or there'll be hell to pay.

ABC, Don't make me wouldn't like me when I'm angry.


At 12:11 PM, Blogger SappyChick said...

Actually, the ratings on Alias weren't slipping. Because the show followed Lost this year, Alias enjoyed the best ratings ever.

But Your Holiness, did you really give it a honest chance. Something tells me you might not have watched all the episodes in their entirety.

Call it a hunch.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger God said...

A plague upon you dare you have the impunity to question the Lord thy God!

Ever heard of the "plagues of Egypt"?...well, I suggest you start reading up on them. You're about to get some firsthand experience.

At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get everything BUT ABC on my local stations, and DIRECTV won't let me purchase ABC on the side!
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! GOD,..smite them for me!This I pray! Bo-Bo The Clown


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