Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I think I may need to explain the concept of the coincidence to some folks.

OK people...let's go over the idea of the coincidence one more time. Some of you have obviously not been paying attention.

Here's the definiton of the word as given by my friends at Merriam-Webster :

1 : the act or condition of coinciding
2 : the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection

Now everyone. While the idea of the coincidence is fresh in all your minds, let's read the following actual news story.

East Chicago turns off 'Jesus image'

City officials have turned off a streetlight that drew more than 250 people to see a shadow that some say resembles the image of Jesus Christ.
East Chicago Police Chief Angelo Machuca called an emergency meeting Sunday to recommend the light be turned off in the interest of public safety after nearby residents complained about blocked cars and visitors congregating until 5 a.m.
Several arrests were made Friday night after a large fight broke out in the area. "The city respects everyone's religious beliefs, but it's getting to the point now where it's almost too dangerous to leave the light on", said Damian Rico, the city's public relations director.
People have flocked to the site since Wednesday, when a woman first claimed to see the image on the side of a tree. The image is only visible at night when the streetlight near the tree is illuminated.
Machuca said his department doesn't have the manpower to maintain regular patrols and control the crowd. "The light will remain off until we can get some kind of solution," he said.

Do you all see how easily the concept of the coincidence explains that whole situation? It's so simple it's not even funny. How is the explanation these folks have come up with any more plausible then a good, old fashioned, traditional, stinking coincidence?

Seriously. Do you think I would manifest my presence as a shadow on the side of a tree in freakin' East Chicago, Indiana? If I was going to go through all that trouble why not make it something that's a little more visible? How many people are going to get to see that tree, a couple of hundred tops? God doesn't think small. If I wanted you guys to see me then take my word for it...you would. There'd be no question about it either. Atheist's would be saying "Dude...It's God. Wow, now I feel like a real dumbass."

And what exactly do these chuckleheads think is the point in getting into a fight at the scene? "Look everybody! Jesus has appeared as a shadow on the side of that maple tree...let's riot!" C'mon folks...do you really think anything that would cause a violent public disturbance is sanctioned by God? So you're all trying to tell me that the appearance of a "holy" image inspired you all to beat the shit out of your fellow man? Who exactly do you think you're kidding?

Are you all so desperate to find some concrete shred of my existence that you'll gladly go along with the first hairbrained idea some moron comes up with? Wait a minute...don't answer that.

Look, it's just a coincidence. Honest. I swear to Me.

Just because you have a pretzel that looks like Elvis Presley doesn't mean the "divine influence" of The King is at work. It's just a stinking coincidence. Sometimes a grilled cheese sandwich with the "image" of the Virgin Mary on it is simply a grilled cheese sandwich. No more, no less.

Think people...that's what your brain is for.


At 12:39 AM, Blogger Its Me! said...

Okay, I just skimmed quick (forgive me?..oh yah, you HAVE to if you're God! ha!)and I'll give you this: it's original anyways! :)

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, let me give "praise" to your blog..."Wicked funny!"
If you're not a comedy writer, you should be.
To my surprize, you're a comic book collector too! No way! Way! No way! Way! No freakin' way!!!! I thought there was something I liked about you. By the way, I've been collecting for ages...if there's something you've been looking for, especially from the past 18 years or so, let me know...I have stuff like....Pitt #1,(several) Warlock#1 ( from back in the seventies..Starlin ), Death of Superman,(several),enclosed in black plastic with black armband enclosed, X-Men #1,(several... Not the original, but the John Byrne "second coming" from about 17 years ago,Silver Surfer, Capt. America, Thor, Spawn #1,(several),etc. etc...
Just let me know..."So it is written.... Bo-Bo The Clown


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