Now that John Ashcroft has vacated the US Capital Building, the velvet robes can finally come off Lady Justice.
I have to admit, of all the nations in the world today only America is so afraid of sexuality that their leaders feel the need to cover the exposed breasts of a statue. Let me repeat that...this was not a live naked woman but the statue of a naked woman. Didn't I create man and woman to be beautiful to one another? I do believe someone has missed the whole idea entirely.
The evening news in America is overflowing with images and stories of violence and depravity. Their TV shows depict graphic scenes of death and destruction. Their movies are made glorifying wanton violence. But if a marble statue has one tit hanging out, then everyone gets their underwear in a twist. I just don't get it at all.
Sex seems to be a complete social taboo. You can show someone on TV catching a hatchet in the neck, but nudity is almost always strictly off limits. So, what is it about sexuality that frightens "moral" America so much...and what is it about violence that fascinates them?
Unfortunately, I feel as though this whole scenario is entirely my fault. Back in the day, I used to be a vengeful God...I had just come out of a bad relationship and was pretty much a no nonsense kind of God. You did what I wanted or I blew your city up...I didn't play around. These current "moral" leaders read the Bible and got off on the power that death and destruction exuded and wanted to get some of that mojo for themselves. They continued to scare their followers, "God's gonna get ya...sinner!", until the majority of western society had the same near fetish for violence and death as they did.
Now, speaking as God, I'd much rather see someone commit a sin of the flesh then bash someone's head in with a crowbar. Call me crazy. I think back to the 10 Commandments and I remember the 2 "biggies" when I handed them to Moses.
"Thou shalt not kill"We're talking about a finite number of humans in the 12 tribes of Israel. I couldn't have them killing each other off after wandering around in the wastelands for 40 years. I knew how cooped up and crazy they were. For example, Moses was talking to me for a couple of hours on top of the mountain and while he was gone the Israelites decided to melt down all their gold and make a big golden calf idol. I was like "what the hell is wrong with you people?". All during the wandering in the wilderness, when I was guiding the people as a column of smoke by day and pillar of fire by night, not once did I see that stupid golden cow do a damn thing. That's gratitude for you.
"Thou shalt not commit adultery"Now, using the "shalt not kill" as starting point, I identified what might cause one guy to flip out and kill another guy...I knew that the sight of a strange man mounting another mans wife was probably enough to make any one resort to murder. Also, as I've stated earlier, I had a limited number of people to get to the Promised Land so I had to make sure they weren't going to go off on bloody rampages because one guy was doing another guys wife.
While both of these Commandments are still valid today, if I had to pick one of these I'd rather see someone break then it's the "adultery" one hands down. In terms of the grand design, an orgasm is infinitely better then butchering someone with a meat cleaver.
There are much worse things you can do to another person then give them an orgasm.
I've got news for you is NOT all...not even a little bit. The only reason "moral" America's leaders are so uptight about sex is that they're simply not good at it. That's all it is. If they practiced the art of love half as much as the art of death, they'd be nearly as good at sex and love as they are blowing shit up.
But in terms of sheer depravity, no one came close to the Romans...and I'm not just saying that because they were feeding my followers to lions and tigers (and bears, oh my). The Romans overindulged in, food, violence...they would party, eat, drink, watch some poor bastard get mauled by bears and then screw until they had to go puke. They decided they needed a special room dedicated to puking...and the vomitorium was born. After they had puked their guts out, what did they do? That's right...they went right back to eating, drinking, screwing and watching people/animals kill other people/animals. Now that's dedication. Sex or violence? The Romans chose them both baby.
What would America be like if violence was the taboo and sex was socially accepted? You'd have a lot more fun on Saturday night, that's for sure...and I'd be much more willing to forgive your trespasses.